Advantages of a Professional Edge Polishing Machine

Advantages of a Professional Edge Polishing Machine


Needless to say, polishing plastic edges manually can be challenging and time-consuming. It can be difficult to avoid deformities and distortions like rounded corners, slight bends, and tiny air pockets in the piece. This can significantly compromise the quality of the finished product.

Even if you put in your best efforts, you simply can’t produce a flat edge by hand. When you’re working with outdated technologies, you may face similar problems, which is why you should opt for a plastic polishing machine to create flat or contoured edges and reduce the risk of error.

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Let’s take a look at 3 advantages of an acrylic polishing machine and how they can help you increase production and quality.

1. They Produce a Flat Edge

Even if the initial cut on the piece is inaccurate, these machines will allow you to produce a flat edge and avoid deformities. If the corners are perfectly square and the lines are straight, the polishing process will become even more efficient and you won’t require multiple passes to get it right.

2. They Can Create Seamless Corners

Owing to the true angles and exceptional tolerance of these polishing machines, plastic fabricators can easily create seamless corners by combining two 45-degree angles together. This also allows them to hide the polished edge and reduce the amount of fabrication that’s required to finish the product.

3. They Allow Manufacturers to Create Computer-Aided True Angles

Another great benefit of these machines is their ability to generate computer-aided true angles with a flat edge. This not only saves crucial production time but also minimizes imperfections that could be introduced as a result of manual handwork.

Why Should You Choose EFC?

Edge Finisher Company is your ultimate one-stop solution, whether you’re looking for an edge polisher or an a utomatic bending machine. Their table-top and floor models will help you create a clear and polished edge on acrylic and plastic sheets with remarkable ease.

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