When Is It Unsafe To Use a Microwave?

When Is It Unsafe To Use a Microwave?


As a human body reflects specific signs and symptoms if it is not in a healthy condition, microwave oven or any other electrical appliance also gives you indications if it is not in a fit condition. There are some signs that specify your microwave is in an unsafe condition. Thus, you have to understand the signs and symptoms and then act accordingly. If you are careful with your observation, and you can read the indications of your appliance, you are on a safer side, if not it can prove to be disastrous.

As not all electrical and electronic appliances are manufactured to last forever, they have a specific life-span, the same applies to the microwave. So, if it has served you close to its age or more than its destined life, please consider replacing it.

If it has not yet served you enough, and it is just four or five years you have bought your microwave, you can call an appliance repair service provider near you. He will visit and if the fault can be fixed, he will recommend you for the Microwave Repair, or will else ask you out for replacing the product.

Continue to read the blog, to learn more about the signs and symptoms, that your microwave is no safer to use.

Top Indications That Your Microwave is Not Safe to Use: It Either Needs Repair or Replacement:

Never ignore the unusual signs and symptoms of your microwave or else there will be no chance to repair or replace. You will be left with only one option, that is discarding your appliance. Here are a few of the unsafe operating signs and symptoms of your microwave.

Uneven or improper cooking of food:

Microwave is usually a part of the kitchen to speed up the cooking process. However, if the appliance is taking too long to heat your food, or your food remains half baked and half raw; something is not working in your microwave.

Test your microwave by heating a cup of water, if that also consumes along time for cooking, then call the repair service provider. If it is a small issue, the Microwave repair service provider will fix it the same day. On the contrary, there might be a fault in some part of your oven. If the component of the microwave has completely blown off, then he will replace the part of your microwave, and your microwave will be back in shape.

Your Appliance Make Loud Noise While Operating:

Microwave usually does not make much noise while operating; it is one of the silent kitchen appliances. If instead of a gentle hum, there is a grinding or buzzing sound, your device might be at risk. Do not directly jump to call a service provider. First, check the turntable, and fan blades; if it is fine then it is some major issue. A repair cannot fix most of the time sound issues of a microwave, but it requires a replacement. However, you can call a technician to get a second opinion. Do not go for repair, if it is a major expense; as the device will not last long.

The Keypad of Your Microwave Does Not Perform Properly:

Are you trying to start your microwave? After trying all the keys on the keypad, there is no response from the appliance? Turn off the power of your microwave, and clean the keypad of your device. Restart the device, and try again. Did your microwave start to accept the input instructions? If yes, you are safe. If not, its time to change your appliance. A Microwave Repair person usually cannot fix this problem.

Your Microwave is Ten to Twelve Years Old:

If you have the same microwave in your kitchen for the last ten years, congratulations on buying the right appliance for your support. However, now if the device is creating any issue after such a long period of use, its time to say good-bye. Do not even think of calling a technician, because it would be an additional expense on a dead device to make it alive. Sorry, to be harsh, but please say good-bye to this non-living member of your family. It cannot serve yet another generation in your house.


Ten to twelve years is not a small span for the cost of a microwave to serve. It has already been serving you for quite a long time; do not expect an appliance to live more than its life. If you observe any undesirable behaviour in your appliance in life, less than 50 percent of its overall life opts for Microwave Repair. If the appliance has already fulfilled its destined duty, please give it a break and welcome a new member for your kitchen

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