A Primer on the Wonders of Metal Fabrication

A Primer on the Wonders of Metal Fabrication


Are you familiar with the process known as metal fabrication? This is the method by which raw metals are cut, reworked and assembled into pre-determined shapes. Using aluminum, steel, copper, iron and other heavy materials, metal fabrication brings everything from window blinds, cans for food storage, door handles, heaters, faucets, door locks and much more into existence.


One of humanity’s oldest skills, the metalwork practitioners of ancient civilizations paired the elements they handled with planets and days of the week. As their craft flourished into a central aspect of armor and sword fabrication, the trade’s role in shaping history increased exponentially. By the 1500s, coins were minted thanks to Leonardo da Vinci’s brilliance. It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that the profession got a significant boost with the manufacture of sheet metal. Presently, the sheet metal market is expected to reach more than $371 Billion by 2025. Now, custom metal fabrication means metal smiths can create any conceivable geometric form.


Engineers begin by sketching and presenting ideas. Experts examine their proposals and determine a particular concept’s feasibility. Once specifics regarding cost and labor are determined, the work begins.


Materials are sliced using lasers and plasma jets before being bent via traditional hammering or through the use of machinery. Individual components are then welded using fasteners, rivets or adhesives. Once the product has cooled, the final steps before shipping include sandblasting, priming and painting.

Specialty Options

Today, factories have limitless options and regularly build items specific to unusual requests. Our knowledge regarding liquid metal injection means we can easily and affordably construct complex patterns like never before.

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The ability to configure metal to match our needs has been with humanity for hundreds of years, but modern technology has allowed the skill to flourish in ways previously unimagined. Without question, metal fabrication will continue having a positive impact on our lives far into the future.

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