Essential Details To Consider When Moving Your Business

Essential Details To Consider When Moving Your Business


Moving your business is not an effortless task. It’s a lot of packing, paperwork, and planning to add to your already busy day of running a business. To ensure moving day goes smoothly, here are a few easily missed details to consider.

Start with the Commute

Moving office locations can be stressful for your workers. Help their first day go smoothly by thinking through the details of their commute. This may include installing parking signs, distributing parking passes, or hosting a coffee cart outside the building. Think about outdoor break spaces and install picnic tables and umbrellas if possible.

Figure Out the Trash System

Nothing tanks office morale like a bunch of trash piling up. Check with the building supervisor to nail down the details of trash collection, including any necessary janitorial services. If you are expanding the number of offices you have, add new trash bins to your list of moving supplies.

Reserve Loading Bays and Elevators

This detail can easily be overlooked when packing up everything for a big office move. However, reserving loading bays and elevators for the date of moving will help everything run smoothly. Even if you are planning to move on the weekend, you can’t assume that no other tenants will be in the building.

Test Your Services

It’s hard to do business without working internet or phone services. While it’s tedious work, checking that all phones, printers, and computers have the proper connection will make the first day at the new office run smoothly. It doesn’t hurt to double-check that your services at the old office will be disconnected. A quick call can confirm the details and update your new business address so all future bills are directed appropriately.

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It’s exciting to move your business. Keeping these little details in mind will help moving day go smoothly.

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